The legendary Churchill Downs and the renowned Sports Illustrated have joined forces in a long-term collaboration. This alliance grants naming rights to the racetrack’s exclusive new culinary destination, scheduled to premiere at the upcoming Kentucky Derby. Previously known as the 1895 Club, the revamped area will be christened “Club SI” and represents a portion of a substantial $200 million modernization of Churchill Downs in anticipation of the 150th Kentucky Derby in 2024. The reimagined locale will provide exceptional vistas of the paddock and track and is characterized as a high-end, equestrian-inspired dining adventure. Churchill Downs President Mike Anderson conveyed enthusiasm about collaborating with such a celebrated brand, highlighting their mutual goal of merging exhilarating athletics with top-tier entertainment. Club SI will be adorned with memorable Sports Illustrated covers and editorial pieces honoring past Kentucky Derby champions.
Michael Sherman, a high-ranking official at Sports Illustrated, conveyed his enthusiasm for introducing their exclusive “Club SI” experience to the iconic Churchill Downs, a venue they’ve documented for many years. He stressed how the club will combine the magazine’s traditional atmosphere with the excitement of the Kentucky Derby, providing VIP guests with gourmet cuisine and beverages, premium viewing locations, and an opportunity to truly engage in the realm of horse racing, particularly with the 150th anniversary of the Derby approaching. Furthermore, Churchill Downs has also debuted the Derby City Gaming Downtown, a novel entertainment establishment with a Kentucky Derby motif, for all to relish.