The British gaming sector, as voiced by the Betting and Gaming Council (BGC), aims to emphasize that a significant portion of UK bettors engage responsibly and find enjoyment in wagering without encountering difficulties. They stress that while they embrace the government’s proposed regulatory changes, it’s crucial to avoid making generalizations about all those who gamble. The BGC underscores that countless individuals across the UK partake in a bit of wagering without experiencing any issues, and these individuals are no different from anyone else – diligent taxpayers who are merely exercising their right to choose how they spend their own earnings. The BGC reaffirms its dedication to safeguarding players and emphasizes the ongoing efforts to implement more robust measures for the protection of susceptible individuals.
In recent years, the United Kingdom has prioritized enhancing gambling safety. They’ve implemented numerous regulations and programs, including eleven benchmarks and over eighty significant actions. This has resulted in a substantial decrease in compulsive gambling – it has nearly been cut in half since 2017 and is now among the lowest rates worldwide. It’s crucial to acknowledge that gambling is a substantial sector in the UK, contributing significantly to the national economy and providing employment for many individuals. However, even with a growing number of people engaging in gambling, the incidence of problem gambling has declined. The UK Gambling Commission is also advocating for more stringent regulations on social media promotions to safeguard young individuals.